
The Blue Scarf represents the expansive blue sky we all share and has become a global symbol for togetherness. It was set in motion by a very brave group of women in Afghanistan ready to be heard and is now being worn around the world as a way for people to express their solidarity as global citizens for a better world.

The Blue Scarf and Blue Bracelet help remind us and others that we are all in this together and that our only sensible choice in life is to care for one another and to protect and share our world and her resources.


Send us photos and videos of how you have used Blue Scarves. Be bold. Be creative. The most interesting submissions we receive will be featured in our next video.

I "Heart" Blue Scarves

We are looking for photos featuring smiling people wearing Blue Scarves or Blue Bracelets (made of blue cloth) while making a heart symbol with your hands over your chest. We'd like to feature these pictures in our campaigns and on our videos. Send us your photo!